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Unveiling a New Brand: The St. Lawrence County Center for History and Culture

The St. Lawrence County Center for History and Culture Unveils New Brand to Illustrate Mission

The St. Lawrence County Historical Association will transition in May to a new brand, The St. Lawrence County Center for History and Culture.

Canton, NY (May 2024) – The St. Lawrence County Historical Association (SLCHA) is excited to announce a significant milestone – a rebranding initiative that illustrates a future-focused mission to serve as a dynamic center that promotes community engagement, inclusivity, and continued growth. Henceforth, we will be Doing-Business-As The St. Lawrence County Center for History and Culture (SLCCHC), accompanied by a fresh logo symbolizing our evolving identity.


SLCCHC’s YouTube Page

Missed a program? Check out our YouTube page to view all recordings from our past Brown Bag talks. Click here to access YouTube.